Game Projects

Open Ocean VR
Virtual Reality Interactive Experience

Capstone Project and Presentation for Senior Semester at University. Virtual Reality game designed for Oculus Rift using Unity3D Game Engine and C#. Player assumes role of deep-sea diver to interact and learn about the aquatic life around them. Created Dynamic Event system to allow Game Designers to create quests using an intuitive interface.

Screenshot Coming Soon

Royal Game of Ur
Mixed Reality Video Game

Human-Computer Interaction Research Project under Mentor Dr. Krzysztof Pietroszek. Mixed-Reality interaction using a 3D spatial hand-tracking Leap sensor mounted on HMD. Implemented a solution in Unity3D to allow player to use their hands to move pieces and play against competitor. AI opponent powered by a Min-Max Decision Tree and animated using Inverse Kinematics.

Invalid Move Screenshot

3D Video Game

Developed and published game to simulate an industry Game Studio environment and workflow. Collaborated with Game Design course and Polish Art University to manage and visualize gameplay. Implemented mesh deformation as a tool for Unity’s built-in Terrain system. Along with a procedural generation system for creating trees and placing them in game. No two playthoughs are alike!

Enkindle Screenshot

C++ Console Window

Original Chess game written in C++ using the console window for input/output. First programming project for a lower level University class. Although this focused more on software basics, it kickstarted my passion for game programming.

Chess Screenshots